Year of graduation
Städelschule, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Frankfurt, Germany, 2018
What you hope to gain from the experience professionally and personally
Following a similar rigorous structure as The Cooper Union, Stäedel offers the space for an extensive studio practice. I look forward to closely working with one professor and creating a close analytical relationship with my work. I’m also extremely excited about the numerous possibilities that can emanate from the close relationship between Stäedel, Portikus and of course it’s international range of artists. Alongside this diversity that Stäedel offers, I hope to be exposed to the communication and dialogue occurring within another country’s artistic community.
My practice is deeply rooted in, and informed by, health and body experiences I had and continue to experience. During my time at Frankfurt, I plan on tackling questions that inform my process specifically around design, object performativity and further exploring my medicalized capture/subject production. Stäedelschule, I believe, is the experience I have been looking for, in terms of enhancing these critical and conceptual inquiries.
- Study Abroad